06 - Library Management System

The “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” process made computerized to reduce human errors and to increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen human efforts. The maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in the Sql database, through which data can be retrieved easily. The navigation control is provided in all the forms to navigate through the large amount of records

07 - Office Automation System

As the name suggests “Office Automation System” is a first step towards the computerized working of the various offices. As we have seen in last few years that the number of offices have increased the use of computers in the office . It becomes obvious that large  offices would have to face a large number of problems involving data maintenance, storage and mining, with the increase in number of employees, departments, job details , vendors information ,purchase orders etc.

Top 15 Key Questions for Any Interview

Q.1  Tell me something about yourself.

Ans:  This is a primary question in any interview. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Start with the item farthest back and work up to the present.Limit it to work-related items unless instructed otherwise. Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held that relate to the position you are interviewing for. 

Basics of Object Oriented Programming

Q.1  What is OOP(Object Oriented Programming)?

Ans : OOPs (Object Oriented Programs) is object based programming language. It uses object for accessing and manipulating data. It supports reusability of code.

Interview questions with answers on SQL VOL-II

Q.1  Explain the use of the by GROUP BY and the HAVING clause?

Ans:  The GROUP BY partitions the selected rows on the distinct values of the column on which the group by has been done.The HAVING selects groups which match the criteria specified.


Interview questions with answers on SQL VOL-I

Q. 1 Define Primary Key?

Ans:  The primary key is the columns used to uniquely identify each row of a table.A table can have only one primary key. No primary key value can appear in more than one row in the table.

Q.2  Define Unique Key?

Ans:  Unique key is a one or more column that must be unique for each row of the table.It is similar to primary key. Primary key column will not accept a null. Whereas the unique key column will accept a null values.

17 - Online Tour And Travel Services

Online Tour And Travel Services is seen as a key industry for economic development, and the perceived benefits of online technologies for tourism have led to a strong role within the policy context for encouraging technology uptake. It is expected that implementation of these initiatives as part of a national online tourism policy will advance the goal of achieving a sustainable tourism industry.

10 - Engineering College Managemest System

The project “Engineering College Management Information System” is dedicated to the general requirements of the engineering colleges. .Manually handling of large records is tedious and not always enjoyable. Efforts and energies are hence focused at not just speeding up the management  capabilities ,but also on consciously reducing their load in an effort to provide accurate and depending information. Computers are able to do all kinds of tasks at amazing speed than done manually. Therefore, come forth the idea of developing a project on the general requirements of engineering colleges.

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