Go green! Charge your phone with the power of the sun! Start this application, put your phone in a well lit place and watch your battery charge using the solar panel.Charge your mobile with the power of the sun.Impress your friends with this great solar charger for your mobile. Simply start the app, hold the mobile screen into sunlight and see how your battery is being charged.

For best results follow the sund during the day.
Detects the amount of light
3 different solar panels
Vibrates when charging starts
You can prevent the device from going to sleep mode
Nice charging animation
More efficient solar panels up to +50%
Tablet support
Samsung support
Impress your friends with this high tech app built with latest roswell technology that was kept secret for decades.
This is a fun app for entertainment only. It is technically impossible to load your mobile with an app only, so please take this into account when you rate this app. Consider your mobile manufacturers guideline for heat and sunlight exposure of your device.

For best results follow the sund during the day.
Detects the amount of light
3 different solar panels
Vibrates when charging starts
You can prevent the device from going to sleep mode
Nice charging animation
More efficient solar panels up to +50%
Tablet support
Samsung support
Impress your friends with this high tech app built with latest roswell technology that was kept secret for decades.
You can download this free app here or Click Here
This is a fun app for entertainment only. It is technically impossible to load your mobile with an app only, so please take this into account when you rate this app. Consider your mobile manufacturers guideline for heat and sunlight exposure of your device.